Our Man in Japan, BIG and I Bought the Farm

Our Man in Japan, BIG and I Bought the Farm

In 2020 the three presenters will all go solo with several projects.

Our Man in Japan.. James May

On 3 january we can see Our Man in Japan with James May.

Earlier this year James went to Japan recording for three months trying to learn more and to understand the Japanese culture.
James was the first of the three presenters who got a new show, next to The Grand Tour at Amazon Prime. It even led to so called `newspapers` to suggest James ditched his collegues and the trio was breaking up.

His travel through Japan starts in the winter season in the cold northern island of Hokkaido. He travels south in his quest to understand the country, the people and the culture. He explores the principles of Wabi, Sabi and Yugen aswell as Godzilla, Hello Kitty, Cosplay and some of the most strangest obsessions on the Planet.

Before May left he told Japan was the most amazing place he ever visited. Everything about it is a surprise. A Boiled sweet, a bullet train, an unexpected ancient temple and the challenge of eating a single edamame bean with chopsticks. He tried to immerse himself completely in pursuit of enlightment and life balance.

Our Man in Japan starts on 3 january and there will be 6 episodes which are all available directly on Amazon Prime.

Richard Hammond’s BIG

Hammond was the next presenter to announce his new show. Richard scored a program at Discovery Channel.

In his show he takes us around the world and shows the biggest feats of engineering. From the world longest underground railway tunnel to a container ship the size of FOUR football piches. During the last months we´ve seen various pictures of Hammond visiting a car factory in Germany, driving a motorcycle in a tunnel, loading a massive airplane for the US Airforce. Getting on to great heights on a container terminal and much much more.

Richard Hammond´s BIG Starts on 15 januari at Discovery Channel.

Jeremy Clarkson’s “I Bought The Farm”

Jeremy Clarkson will be back on Christmas day with a Celebrity Special of Who Wants to be a Millionair at 9PM on ITV. In this special Sports presenter Clare Balding, actor Stephen Mangan and Catherine Tyldesley each sit in the hot-seat.

Furthermore Clarkson is still very very busy with his farm. Now during wintertime farming on itself is calm but there are plenty more other things to do like the construction of a new building which is going to be Clarkson´s Farmshop.

Click here for more information about “Our Man in Japan”.

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