Category: Other Shows
James May on the wonder of Japanese toilets
‘You can judge a nation by its toilets’ Toilets are the great leveller. The great leveller. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn’t enjoy a good trip to the toilet? That bastardised Mr. Burns quote aside, toilets are universal. We’ve all used one, regardless of how high tech the toilet in…
Richard Hammond´s BIG
As we revealed earlier Richard Hammond´s BIG starts on 15 january on Discovery. In a new trailer we can see several places where Richard has been for this show. We´ve seen the last year pictures of Hammond in the U.S.A., Germany, The Netherlands, Dubai U.K, and many more places. He visited tunnels under construction,…
Jeremy Clarkson watches his sheep having intercourse
Jeremy Purchased his sheep earlier in August this year. A few months ago Jeremy Clarkson was at the Shearwell Thame Summer Sheep Fair with a film crew. At the fair he bought 78 so called North of England Mule shearlings. In the Autumn they were brought to his farm by the breeder. You’ll all know…
BIG With Richard Hammond Starts 15 January.
BIG with Richard Hammond is a new show on made for Discovery. BIG with Richard Hammond is a show.that was announced.earlier this year. Since may Richard Hammond is strolling around the world from the UK to Dubai, the US and many many other countries – to explore the world’s biggest structures and machines.…
Our Man in Japan with James May starts 3 January
Our Man in Japan with James May is a new show on Amazon Prime. Our Man in Japan with James May is something we´ve all been waiting for since quite a while. In March 2019 we got the news that James May got his own show for Amazon Prime. Some newspapers even suggested The Grand…